To be a Mother, I once heard it said, is to go around forever wearing your heart on the outside of your body. Truer words have never been spoken. I also concur with the old adage: "Time is the enemy of a mother." Raising girls is the most amazing experience of my life--and I am certainly learning more from them than I will likely ever teach. Isn't life funny that way? One of the best lessons they have for me is to SLOW DOWN and to find adventure in the every day. To that end, we are forging our own path together; taking the road less-traveled, knowing that there is more to this life than what it seems. And do you know what fosters togetherness and peace in our hearts and household more than anything else? Dinnertime--together and at the dining table. No distractions, no exceptions. I think if more families would sit down together for dinner at least a few nights a week, it would change our world for the better. So raise a glass and toast the lost art of dinnertime. Won't you join us?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Next Stops... South Korea and Japan!

Next chapter in the book was South Korea. And guess what? This one came with a recipe for Korean BBQ Beef. Delightful! Soooo, we had a Korean night. Remind me and I'll type up the recipe for you sometime.

Well, as you can imagine, when Japan's time rolled around the next week... the entitlement mentality set in. "When are we going to eat Japan, Mommy?" Now that's not a question you hear everyday... It was at this point that I took the adventurous plunge. Funny how you can always remember those moments, isn't it? You know, when you hear yourself saying aloud those delightfully prophetic words... "How hard can it be?" We mothers never learn, do we? So with that mantra, I declared that we would travel around the world via our kitchen, all within the comfortable confines of our dining table. And away we went.

If you are interested, here is the link to the eating of Japan... a wonderful shrimp tempura recipe I found on allrecipes. By the way, how did people teach their kids before Google? (shudder)

You might be thinking sushi would have been the more obvious choice than frying seafood on a weeknight, but I did want my kids to eat it! And I am not adventurous enough to attempt to make sushi. After the horrible frozen potsticker experience, I--rather rashly--decided I would make each of our world dining experiences from scratch. You know, everything seems possible in September...

**Added bonus of the evening--my picky-eater daughter was eating snow peas like they were going out of style! Best quote of the evening: (overheard when my kindergartener was dissecting her snowpea pod) "Oh, look! It's triplets!"

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